Questions regarding this site

This site is built upon the versatile Discourse software (

As stated in the Welcome to Stop The Knutson Farms Warehouse Development Community post this site is:

A place to discuss the proposed warehouse development on the approximate 162-acre Knutson Farm property located within unincorporated Pierce County.

It has been setup by concerned residents of Puyallup and Pierce County who feel there should be both a comprehensive resource and site to discuss this development, the impacts on the surrounding area and community, etc.

Here is a link on how to navigate the Discourse software for new users: Discourse New User Tips and Tricks

Discourse can be a little daunting to use for those who aren’t used to it.

Some features of this site include:

  • Registered users can subscribe to receive summaries of categories via email.
  • Registered users can respond to or start topics via email.

Please post any questions you may have regarding use of this site here.