Pierce County: Knutson Farms Industrial Park (Shaw Road/Pioneer Way)

Website: Knutson Farms Industrial Park (Shaw Road/Pioneer Way) | Pierce County, WA - Official Website

Project Description
Development of a warehouse/ industrial park facility on a 162 acre site located within the Employment Center Zone (EC), an allowed use consistent with the zoning classification. A Shoreline Substantial Development (SD) is required for the storm outfall and trail improvements.

Two Phased Project with a building total of 2,605,000 square feet and include associated grading, paved parking, and required infrastructure on the 7 lot short plat.

Phase I
    Buildings A-E, with a cumulative square footage of 2,124,000 and associated parking
Phase II
    Buildings F & G with a cumulative square footage of 437,000 square feet and associated parking

The project will be located outside of the 46.95 acres located within the 100 ­year floodplain of the Puyallup

November 26, 2014 applications were made for a Business Park:

Preliminary Short Plat (SP)
Planned Development District (PDD), Cancelled at Applicant's request
Environmental Checklist (SEPA)
Administrative Design Review (ADR)
Shoreline Substantial Development Permit (SD)

Notice of Application (NOA) was distributed to reviewers, cities, and adjacent property owners:

December 4, 2014
June 17, 2016
September 26, 2016

March 31, 2016 Applicant requested that the Planned Development District be canceled.

September 12, 2016 A revised submittal package was received showing to reflect requirements per the studies requested.

Links from the main site above:

Knutson Farms Industrial Park Applications



Knutson Farms Industrial Park Reports & Studies

Please contact Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner, in the Current Planning Section of Planning and Public Works, andrew.vangordon@co.pierce.wa.us or at (253) 798-7113.