Pierce County: Alderton-McMillin Community Plan

Website: https://www.piercecountywa.gov/929/Alderton-McMillin

The Alderton-McMillin Community Plan was initially adopted by Pierce County on December 11, 2007. Community Plans are a part of the Comprehensive Plan and provide a more detailed sense of how the community wants the area to develop in the future.

The Alderton-McMillin Community Plan attempts to balance the desire for the traditional past with the needs of the future – recognizing both the importance of agriculture in our economy and the farmer in our communities with the geographical placement of the community – surrounded by urban areas.

Alderton-McMillin Community Plan

Alderton-McMillin Community Plan Vision Statement

We, the residents of the Alderton-McMillin planning area, wish to maintain our rural environment where the majority of our residents travel to neighboring urban areas for employment and to seek other services.

We envision: