The Environmental Impact Study (EIS) Scoping report’s Appendix A published comments from 301 people. Here is one of the comments for discussion:
Date: 12/15/2020
Comment #: 223
Submitter: Brad Beach, Annette “Nettsie” Bullchild
Organization: Nisqually Indian Tribe
Attachment: Yes (not provided)
Dear Mr. Beale,
The Nisqually Indian Tribe thanks you for the opportunityto comment on:
Re: Knutson Farm EIS
The Nisqually Indian Tribe’s THPO has reviewed the SEPA checklist and accompanying documents that were provided for the above named project and are glad to see that cultural resources are going to be considered during the early stages of the EIS. The Nisqually Indian Tribe
would like to see a thorough sub-surface survey of the entire area using comprehensive background research into the long history of the Puyallup Valley as a guide. Please
keep us informed if there are any Inadvertent Discoveries of Archaeological Resources/Human Burials.
Brad Beach
THPO Department
Annette “Nettsie” Bullchild
THPO Department