The Environmental Impact Study (EIS) Scoping report’s Appendix A published comments from 301 people. Here is one of the comments for discussion:
Date: 12/08/2020
Comment #: 164
Submitter: Erica Welborn
Organization: Tacoma Pierce County Health Department
Attachment: Yes (not provided)
The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department’s Environmental Health Program received the above mentioned checklist on April 26, 2017 and has the following comment(s):
All wells that will not be included in the public water system for this project must be properly decommissioned per WAC 173-160 prior to final application approval. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department must be contacted 48 hours prior to any decommissioning activity
at the site. Contact Jeremy Bush at (253) 649-1805, for applications to decommission.
When an existing on-site sewage disposal system is abandoned, the Tacoma-Pierce County Health
Department requires all tanks pumped by a certified septage hauler, all tanks filled with soil, and a
Decommissioning Application be completed, pursuant to Environmental Health Code, Chapter 2, On-Site Sewage. Please contact George Waun at (253) 798-6485 for further information.
Thank you for the opportunity to respond.
Erica Welborn
Environmental Health Specialist II
Environmental Health Division