Comments from the EIS Scoping Report - # 133 - Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP)

The Environmental Impact Study (EIS) Scoping report’s Appendix A published comments from 301 people. Here is one of the comments for discussion:

Date: 12/01/2020
Comment #: 133
Submitter: Stephanie Jolivette
Organization: Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP)
Attachment: Yes (not provided)

Hello Chris,
Thank you for contacting the DAHP about this project. The DAHP is pleased that the EIS Scoping is including Cultural Resources as an element of analysis. Please see the attached letter from the DAHP indicating our interest in this project and recommending that an archaeological survey of the project area be completed during the EIS process. Having the initial cultural resources work
completed during the EIS will help the DAHP make more informed recommendations for project alternatives during the EIS review period.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions about these recommendations or have questions about cultural resources review as the project moves forward.
